Electrical Repair Jobs Around the Home

Considerations For New Developers When Connecting Electricity To New Subdivisions

When a residential subdivision is completed, a developer needs electricity distribution in the newly subdivided lots. For low-density subdivisions, the best method of supplying electricity is via high-voltage power lines that are situated along the road reserves. For medium density subdivisions, underground residential distribution is usually the preferred method. Therefore, when you need an electricity supply to your new subdivision, you should hire a certified electrical contractor to take care of the nuances and get you started. Here are a few considerations for new developers to bear in mind.

Preliminary Information -- Always discuss your preliminary plans with a contractor before electricity is supplied to your subdivisions.  It ensures that an electrical contractor generates a comprehensive plan for connecting you to the grid efficiently. At this stage, electrical designs, coupled with council approval documents, are forwarded to a contractor for review and approval. Remember to include crucial information such as easements, which might affect the way electricity is connected to your subdivisions. The contractor will then forward the data to a power retailer before contract talks can begin. 

Electricity Design Drawings -- An electrical contractor helps a developer to prepare electricity design drawings. It is integral for such design drawings to be prepared and submitted in a prescribed format using a specific software application. Therefore, hiring an expert who is experienced in using design software is recommended. Notably, some power distributors might require the drawings in a particular format. Also, you can reduce the cost of the project by opting for a consultant who is proficient in producing electrical design drawings in an automated fashion.

Electricity Retailer -- Since several power retailers operate in every state or territory, you need to inform a contractor about your preferred electricity retailer. The information helps an electrical consultant to fill out an Electrical Work Request (EWR). EWR refers to information related to power distribution in a subdivision, such as the address of the worksite, site type (shop, factory, or tenancy), description of all electrical works, supply required (overhead, underground, or pole-to-pit) and metering requirements, among others. An electricity retailer will only set you up with an account in readiness for connection after submission of the EWR

Timeframe for Connection -- The time it takes to connect electricity to your subdivision depends on various factors, such as an electricity retailer and the type of connection. Some connections, such as the basic type, can be fast-tracked to commence when your application is received. Remember that an electricity retailer will submit an offer between 10 to 65 days for any kind of connection. After that, the retailer will give you ample time, say two weeks, to accept the offer or seek an alternative retailer.